Overnight oats with tea-soaked dried fruit

Overnight oats with tea-soaked dried fruit

These indulgent overnight oats are the perfect breakfast to kickstart your day. They're oozing with flavour and make a wonderful morning treat that'll warm you up on those cold, early starts!

4 out of 5 stars(1) Rate this recipe
VegetarianHealthyLow in saturated fat1 of your 5 a day
  • Serves4
  • CourseBreakfast
  • Prepare-
  • Cook-
  • Total time10 mins
  • Plusovernight soaking

Please note, we take every care to ensure the product, allergen and recipe information displayed is correct. However, should a product be unavailable, alternatives may be displayed and/or a substitution provided. If you have an allergy or intolerance, please always check the product label before use.


  • 175g jumbo oats
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • 700ml unsweetened almond milk
  • 40g Waitrose Love Life Dried Cherries
  • 4 Waitrose Love Life Large Soft Apricots, quartered
  • 4 Waitrose Love Life Large Soft Smyrna Figs, quartered
  • 2 pitted dates, finely chopped
  • 1 Earl Grey tea bag
  • 1 Honey, to taste (optional)


  1. Place the oats, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds and almond milk in a large bowl. Stir in the cinnamon. Place the dried fruits and tea bag in a separate bowl and pour in enough cold water to come about 2cm above the level of the fruits. Cover both bowls with clingfilm and set aside in a cool place to soak overnight.

  2. Next morning, tip the soaked oats into a pan and bring to the boil over a medium heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook, stirring regularly, until thick and creamy. If the porridge is too thick, add a little more almond milk or water.

  3. Drain the soaked fruits and discard the tea bag. Serve the hot porridge topped with the fruits.


Typical values per serving when made using specific products in recipe


1,607kJ/ 382kcals



Saturated Fat












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